
Things that make the Japanese proud of their belonging to Japan

الأمور التي تجعل من اليابانيين يفتخرون بإنتمائهم لليابان
in a opinion poll made by blog of Mynavi Woman to see how of much the Japanese are happy and proud of their country and what makes the japanese proud of their country, the first question in the survey was :
      Do you think you are happy since you are a japanese citizen in your daily life?
         64.7% of respondents said yes, compared to 35.3% who said no.

Among the things that made participants proud to be a Japanese citizen, we offer you :
1. Japanese food:
الطعام الياباني
Japanese people seem to appreciate the culinary achievements of their country. This is due of quality of Japanese cuisine that UNESCO has designated as a non-material cultural heritage.

2. General system and safety:
النظام العام والسلامة
Two of the most important things missing people who leave Japan are safety, you can go anywhere even is so late at night without fear. Also, If there is any stampede, everyone queues and waits patiently for their turn.

3. Clean toilets:
 المراحيض اليابانية النظيفة
Almost all of the public toilets are very clean. Japanese toilets are the most healthy in the world, 80% of Japanese bathrooms are well equipped with all kinds of amenities.

4. Onsen [Hot Springs]:
Onsen [الينابيع الساخنة]
A trip to Onsen is an example of relaxation and enjoying . Small hotels include traditional Japanese style.

5. Four distinct season:
 أربعة فصول متميزة
Many important Japanese holidays and festivals are closely linked to a particular season, so you should enjoy all the unique customs every month.

6. Good attitude:
حسن الخلق الياباني
The Japanese are known for their politeness and their ethics,this values are inculcated in culture of children from a very young age, there are severe consequences for students who break the rules.

7. Tatami [mat]:
Tatami [حصير]
The Japanese are proud to have these mats, and most prefer traditional things.

8. Anime and Manga:
الأنمي والمانجا
There is no denying that many foreigners come to Japan after the explosion of modern popular culture, whatever it a manga, anime, video games, J-Pop, or J-Dramas. No wonder that the Japanese people feel proud to live in the country that produced these cultural symbols.

9. Air-conditioned toilets:
مراحيض اليابان المكيفة
Again ... It's those toilets! Many toilet covers are equipped with heating function, I can say that they are welcome during the colder months of winter.

10. Konbini [Stores]:
 Konbini [متاجر]
They offer a range of services: photography, internet, faxing, hotel booking, bill payment (water, gas, electricity, telephone, TV ...) and many other services.

Other responses included in this opinion poll:
"Water and tea in restaurants are free."
"Public transport usually arrives on time."
"There is no recruitment in Japan."

In fact, I am a little surprised that the participants did not mention anything about Matsuri or the festivals of Japan, where families gather in an atmosphere of fun and delicious cuisine dressed in yukata or kimono and watch a fireworks in every season. They do not consider it a special thing, but for me as a foreigner I will certainly place it in one of the top five positions.

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